Our services to help you to achieve your goals.

We can assist you with the following NDIS support categories:

  • Accommodation/Tenancy: This support item is to guide, prompt, or undertake activities to ensure the participant obtains or retains appropriate accommodation. This may include assisting to apply for a rental tenancy or to undertake tenancy obligations in line with the participant’s tenancy agreement.
  • Assist Access/Maintain Employment: This service allows providers to assist participants to obtain and retain employment and employment opportunities OR This support category is for provision of skills training, advice, assistance with arrangements and orientation to assist a participant moving from school to further education.
  • Assist-Life Stage, Transition:  This support item, which includes mentoring, peer-support and individual skill development, is designed to establish volunteer assistance within the participant’s home or community to develop skills. For instance, assistance in attending appointments, shopping, bill paying, taking part in social activities and maintaining contact with others.
  • Assist-Personal Activities: This service assists participants to ensure their personal care and hygiene is always upheld. Participants may be required to complete personal care tasks such as showering, toileting, changing etc, this is done in the participants home. These support items provide a participant with assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life to develop skills of the participant to live as autonomously as possible.
  • Assist-Travel/Transport: Transport enables participants to access disability supports outside their home, and to achieve the goals in their plan. This support item allows a participant to pay a provider to transport them to an activity that is not itself a support – or to a support that is delivered by another provider. This enables the participant to travel to and from appointments or their place of work. As well as for specialised transport services for a participant to a school, educational facility, employment, or the community.
  • Daily Tasks/Shared Living:  These support items provide assistance with, or supervision of, tasks of daily life in a shared living environment, with a focus on developing the skills of each individual to live as autonomously as possible. The support is provided to each person living in the shared arrangement in accordance with their need. Support Independent Living does not include rent, board and lodging or other day- to-day usual living expenses such as food and activities. It also does not include the capital costs associated with a participant’s accommodation This service is known as SIL (Supported Independent Living). This involves assisting participants home and personal care within an SDA home or within a shared living arrangement. Providers will be responsible for entering an SDA home and providing services such as personal care, personal hygiene, showering, dressing, toileting, mobility, appointment assistance, short term accommodation etc.
  • Innovative Community Participation: This support item is designed to enable providers to offer new and innovative services to participant and is for mainstream providers who want to enable participants to access mainstream activities. Any standards applicable to the industry in which the provider operates would need to be met. All supports claimed under this support item need to be reasonable and necessary given the participant’s plan goals.
  • Development-Life Skills: This support item provides individual life skills development and training including public transport training and support, developing skills for community, social and recreational participation. It also provides training for participants in groups to increase their independence in daily personal activities. This assists participants to gain services from providers that assist them to develop and maintain important life skills such as learning about public transport, resumes, taxes, saving skills, social skills, physical activity skills etc.
  • Household Tasks: These support items enable participants to maintain their home environment. This may involve undertaking essential household tasks that the participant is not able to undertake. Providers may be responsible for cleaning, gardening, basic indoor & outdoor home maintenance, laundry or linen and meal preparation.
  • Specialised Support Employment: This allows providers to assist participants to gain and maintain employment. This may include similar aspects to the service ‘assist access and maintain employment’ however this is more specialised. Dependent on what the participant requires. This may include creating resumes, attending interviews, attending/supervising the workplace etc.
  • Group/Center Activities: This service allows providers to take participants to activities that are within a group or centered-based aspect which allows them to have enjoyment in various activities or events they wish to attend to. Group bases may include dance classes, cooking classes etc. and centered-based activities may include activities such as soccer, basketball, sports etc.
  • Participate Community: This support category relates to assisting with or supervising a participant to engage in community, social, recreational or economic activities. These supports can be provided in a range of environments, such as in the community or a center. This includes taking them on shopping trips, any appointments, leisure activities etc.